Klamath Basin Snowdrifters Christmas party
Klamath Basin Snowdrifters Christmas party
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 (12:00 AM - 12:00 AM) (PST)
Good day all, I hope everyone had an eventful and wonderful Thanksgiving. On to the next event, the club Christmas party, at Hope Community Center is December 17th starting at 5pm with dinner at 6pm. We need RSVPS for all those choosing to attend. We are doing our usual Toys for Tots again and are requesting unwrapped children's gifts. For all those of you that are not signed up as club members now is a great time to get that taken care of. Here is the link to the OSSA site to make that happen. https://www.oregonsnow.org/membership/ Non OSSA and club members are welcome but will be charged $10 for dinner. I hope to see you all at the Christmas party! Clif McMillan President Klamath Basin Snowdrifters PS; next event after the Christmas party is the annual chili feed at the cat shed December 21st. We will have a treat this year as Dan and Clif are both bringing chili for a little best of the best competition.
Additional Info
2314 Homedale Road
Klamath Falls, OR 97603 United States