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Tollgate Trailfinders Grooming Report

Tollgate Trailfinders Grooming Report


Shed to Morning Creek Sno-Park to Spout to Woodland Sno-Park to Andies Sno-Park & back. Gordon Trail to 3719 to store to shed. 

Shed to Morning Creek Sno-Park to Sout 3719 to Woodland Sno-Park to Andes Sno-Park back Gordon Loop & Balloon Tree Loop to Spout, Pole Trail to shed to store & back.

Bone shelter 

baldy to elk trail to 6403 rd skyline to elk to baldy to 6411 rd & back 6403 rd to baldy to shed to morning

creek snopark


Baldy & back to Morning creek snopark to spout to woodland snopark to top of the hill and back same

way; pole trail to 3719 to store to shed and McEntyre loop to store to shed


morning creek to 3719 rd to spout to woodland to andes snopark to 31 rd & back gordon loop to

woodland; pole trail back to morning creek


bone shelter 64 and back

Elk trail on 64 rd to 6403 skyline to 6411 to 11A to 12 back skyline to baldy to morning creek snopark &

back to store & back to shed


Bone shelter and back 64

baldy to elb trail to 6403 to 6411 to 6411A back to 6403 all the way to baldy


Shed to spout, woodland, and ruckel.

morning creek to spout 3719 rd to woodland crossing to balloon tree loop and back pole trai to morning

creek 3719 to store around McEntyre loop to 64 to baldy & back to store


Morning creek snopark; 3719 to spout to woodland snopark to andes snopark to 31 rd; back via garden

loop, pole trail; baldy & back to store.


Shed to Baldy to Jubilee to 11A to Bone Shelter and back. 6403 Skyline to Baldy to shed. 


Groomed early today out to Morning Creek Snopark, 3719Rd to Spout, to Woodland Snopark, to Andes Snopark, to 31rd. Came back Gordon creek loop, Balloon Tree loop, Pole trail, to the Shed , to the store and back. Conditions to groom are still not getting much better. Only about 4 inches of new wet snow on top of the wet snow pack that has about 2 to 3 inch frozen crust. Hard to fill the mogels with so little new snow. Even with below freezing Temps today it drizzled from 10am to 2pm today than there was a lite snow. Hope to have better conditions tomorrow heading out to Bone Springs shelter and higher elevation.

Happy New Year

Jess Thompson TTF Grooming Chairman


On the mountain this afternoon to check the snow conditions. It was 39 degrees and raining hard at times and also a little snow mixed in. The snow level has deceased about 6 inches to 18 inches total on the snow pole at the groomer shed. The snow is very wet and slushy. Still waiting for cold weather and fresh snow to start grooming. This snow will set a good base when it does freeze. The 31rd is still plowed and open but the road grader is at the highway, just hasn't made a brem yet to keep vehicles out. Be careful on 31rd as you could meet vehicles driving out there. Rain and snow mix are still in the forecast for several days and warm temps.

Merry Christmas

Jess Thompson TTF Grooming Chairman


On the mountain today to check snow conditions and the plowed roads. It was 40 degrees and about 8 inches of new wet snow. The 64rd has not been plowed with the 8 inches of snow on it. The loggers have moved out, but are still hauling on 31rd to HWY 204. We have enough snow to start grooming, about 22 inches, but need colder weather and snow instead of rain which is in forecast the next 3 to 4 days. It was raining when left to come home at 3 in the afternoon.

Jess Thompson TTF Grooming Chairman


On the mountain today to check snow conditions and the grooming shed. Sunshine and blue sky 32 degrees at 9am. There is now only 12 inches of snow at the grooming shed as during the day the temperature and sunshine melt the snow. The 64rd and 31rd are still plowed and bare in places and need snow to cover the pavement. Even though December 1 is tomorrow there is not enough snow to groom at this time and it doesn't look like there will be for another week or more. The inversion continues this week with warm temps in the mountains above the fog and cold temps below and freezing fog at times. Some rain is in the forecast on the mountain for mid week and snow showers by the weekend. Due to lack of snow the loggers may still be hauling logs this week so be careful on the plowed roads. The new snowmobile trail map is not done yet as I am still trying to get enough advertising to pay for the paper and printing costs. I hope to have it ready to print by the end of this week and out to distribute by the middle of December.

Jess Thompson TTF Grooming Chairman




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