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Burnt River Snowmobile Club Grooming Report

Burnt River Snowmobile Club Grooming Report

Grooming Report 02/27/25

2646, 2640, 2652, 101, 2635, Trail to Austin House, 1940, 353

Grooming Report 02/19/25

Trail 2646, Trail 2645, Trail 2640, Trail 6005, Trail 12, Trail 2695, Trail 2624, Trail 1940, Trail 343

Grooming Report 02/10/25

Trail 343, Trail 1940, trail to Austin House, Trail 2635, Trail 101, Trail 2652, Trail 1210, Trail 2645, Trail 2646

Grooming Report 02/07/25

 Trail 343, Trail 2624, Trail 1940

Grooming Report 02/04/25

Trail 343 Removed 2 trees

Grooming Report 01/20/25

Trail 2646, Trail 2645, Trail 2646 



 Sorry....No Grooming Report. Please come back ❄️ ❄️❄️

Club Information 

If you want to register to be a part of a snowmobile club, please do with this link
The benefits include:
*Protection and preservation of the sport of snowmobiling.
*Legislative representation on state and national levels.
*Snowmobile representation on state and national associations.
*Complimentary issue of the Oregon Snowmobile News.
*Scholarship programs for high school seniors.
*Official membership card and decal.
*Learn how to groom the trails with hands on instructions with a club member
May be a graphic of map and text that says

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